PECB Certified ISO/IEC 27001 Lead Auditor
Master the Audit of Privacy Information Management System (PIMS) based on ISO/IEC 27701
5 days

Why should you take this training course?

  • Information security threats and attacks grow and evolve continuously. As such, organizations are increasingly concernedabout how their valuable information is handled and protected. The best form of defense against threats and attacks is theproper implementation, auditing, and management of information security controls and best practices. Information security isa key expectation and requirement of customers, legislators, and other interested parties.

  • PECB ISO/IEC 27001 Lead Auditor training course is designed to prepare you to audit an information security managementsystem (ISMS) based on ISO/IEC 27001. During this training course, you will acquire the knowledge and skills to plan and carryout internal and external audits in compliance with ISO 19011 and ISO/IEC 17021-1 certification process.

  • The training content is comprised of practical exercises and case studies which bring you real-world expertise that you canapply to your day-to-day operations and activities. Based on practical exercises, you will be able to master audit techniques andbecome competent to manage an audit program, audit team, communication with customers, and conflict resolution.

  • Our training courses are all-inclusive, meaning that they cover everything you need, in order to get the certificate. After acquiringthe necessary expertise to perform an audit, you can sit for the exam and apply for a "PECB Certified ISO/IEC 27001 Lead Auditor" credential. By holding a PECB Lead Auditor Certificate, you will demonstrate that you have the capabilities and competencies toaudit organizations based on best practices.

Why is this course more desirable than the others?

  • PECB Certified ISO/IEC 27001 Lead Auditor training course is more desirable and valuable than others because it gives you theknowledge and skills in auditing an information security management systems (ISMS). In addition, the course teaches you howto apply those skills in practice.

  • Apart from showcasing what the ISO/IEC 27001 standard tells you to do, this training course tells you how to do it, throughvarious activities, exercises, case studies, multiple-choice standalone quizzes, and scenario-based quizzes. These will allow youto test your knowledge about the implementation process steps.

  • After attending the training course, you can take the exam. The exam type is unique because it is open-book and containsmultiple-choice questions. The exam contains standalone questions and scenario-based questions, which aim to simulate reallife situations. If you successfully pass it, you can apply for a “PECB Certified ISO/IEC 27001 Lead Auditor” credential, whichdemonstrates your ability and practical knowledge to implement an ISMS based on the requirements of ISO/IEC 27001.

What will the certification allow you to do?

  • Certification is the formal recognition and proof of knowledge which carries an important weight when you are entering the labormarket, or when you want to advance in your career. Due to the technological advancements and the complexity of cyberattacks,the demand for information security professionals continues to grow. As such, the ISO/IEC 27001 certification has become thenorm for best-practice in information security auditing. By taking a certification, you showcase a certain skill level which willdisplay added value not only to your professional career but to your organization as well. This can help you stand out from thecrowd and increase your earning potential.

Who should attend this training course?

  • Auditors seeking to perform and lead information security management system (ISMS) audits

  • Managers or consultants seeking to master the information security management system audit process

  • Individuals responsible to maintain conformity with the ISMS requirements in an organization

  • Technical experts seeking to prepare for the information security management system audit

  • Expert advisors in information security management

Examination ( 3 hours )

The "PECB Certified ISO/IEC 27001 Lead Auditor" exam fully meets the requirements of the PECB Examination and Certification Programme (ECP). The exam covers the following competency domains:

  • Domain 1 Fundamental principles and concepts of Information Security Management System (ISMS)
  • Domain 2 Information Security Management System (ISMS)
  • Domain 3 Fundamental audit concepts and principles
  • Domain 4 Preparation of an ISO/IEC 27001 audit
  • Domain 5 Conducting an ISO/IEC 27001 audit
  • Domain 6 Closing an ISO/IEC 27001 audit
  • Domain 7 Managing an ISO/IEC 27001 audit program

General information

  • Certification and examination fees are included in the price of the training course

  • Participants will be provided with the training course material containing explanatory information, examples, best practices, exercises, and quizzes.

  • An Attestation of Course Completion worth 31 CPD (Continuing Professional Development) credits will be issued to all candidates who have attended the training course

  • In case candidates do not pass the exam, they are entitled to a free retake within 12 months from the date the coupon code is received

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“Very good training center thank you so much.”
“Сургалтын орчин болон тоног төхөөрөмж, багш нарын заах арга барил сайн.”
“Өөрийнхөө ямар түвшинд явааг мэдэж авлаа. Үнэхээр тархиа цэнэглэлээ. Баярлалаа”
“Mikrotik сургалт амжилттай дууслаа. Сургалтын төвийн хамт олондоо баярлалаа.”
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“Docker & Kubernetes сургалтанд хамрагдлаа. Сургалтын чанарт сэтгэл хангалуун байлаа.”
“Сургагч багшийн мэдлэг, ур чадвар, сургалтын өгөөж болон сургалтын орчин хангамж таалагдсан”
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“Шинэ зүйл сурсандаа баяртай, сэтгэл хангалуун байна.”
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